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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Global Day of Prayer
A Ten-Day Prayer Guide

Global Day of Prayer 2009

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Global Day of Prayer has seen millions of Christians unite in a day of repentance and united prayer. On 11 May 2008, believers from 214 nations once again united all over the globe. The echoes of desperate prayers for transformation sounded from stadiums, open fields, community centers and private houses. These prayers have the power to transform our world and to fill the nations with the glory of God.

On 31 May 2009, God is again calling the nations from the North, South, East and West to embark on this prayer journey with Him. God is moving in His awesome power and He is challenging us to be part of this journey. It is a journey that is not about us, but about a world in desperate need for His glory and compassionate love.
It is a call to respond to His invitation in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.
May He hear our prayers, forgive our sin and heal our land.

I humbly invite you to join hundreds of millions of Christians as we seek God’s face, and trust that people from the 220 countries of the globe will see willing believers standing in the gap for the nations.

May we see His glory.

Graham Power,
Chairman, Global Day of Prayer

“And I...am about to come and gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see My glory.”
– Isaiah 66:18

Please the Global Day of Prayer website at www.globaldayofprayer.com to learn about translations which may be available in other languages or contact Global Day of Prayer at info@globaldayofprayer.com

Unless otherwise noted, scripture quotations are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV),
Copyright ©1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Scriptures identified as NASB are from the New American Standard Bible Update, Copyright ©1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
A Global Day of Prayer – 31 May 2009

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.” – Acts 2:1
A Call for Repentance and Prayer: At the turn of the millennium, believers in South Africa sensed God calling them to seek Him in repentance and prayer and to call people across their country to assemble in united prayer for their cities and nations.
Soon gatherings like it—all meeting on the same day of the year—multiplied across Africa, and in the years that followed, all over the world. The result was the first Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday in 2005.
Across the face of the earth: Many millions from almost every stream of Christian faith have gathered to answer the same call for repentance and prayer in the years that followed. The movement continues to spread and to deepen, packing large stadiums, filling homes with small groups, spilling out to the open squares of small villages, surging around the clock and uniting many churches in prayer for Christ’s greater glory and the blessing of all nations.
Strengthening ongoing movements of prayer: On 31 May 2009, Christians will again gather to pray and to repent with sincere hearts and united hopes. Yet another Global Day of Prayer is being planned for 23 May 2010.

TEN leading up to ONE followed by NINETY
The Global Day of Prayer follows the three parts of the beginning of the Church: ten days of constant prayer leading to Pentecost, one day of prayer witnessed by the whole city and days of blessing that followed. For these reasons, the Global Day of Prayer has three parts.

Ten days of constant prayer: 21-30 May 2009. Beginning on Ascension Day,
21 May, millions of Christians will find ways to pray night and day throughout the ten days leading to Pentecost.

The Global Day of Prayer: 31 May 2009. On Pentecost Sunday, Christians in almost every country will assemble to pray. Many will gather in small groups
in homes. Many will assemble in large stadiums and other public venues.

Ninety days of blessing: 1 June - 29 August 2009. As in the first Pentecost,
transformed Christians transform their communities as they offer themselves
to God as instruments through which their prayers can be answered.
The Global Day of Prayer anticipates the forming or furthering of local
alliances among pastors, churches, missions and business leaders to bring practical, transformational blessing to their communities.

A Call to Pray Great Things
For the Glory of Christ and the Blessing of the Nations

Answer God’s Call.
The Global Day of Prayer is a call from God to meet with Him along with many others so that He can change us and bring forth all He desires among the nations.
If you are reading this, you have probably heard God calling you, too. And He’s put some hope in your heart, a kind of yearning that He’s not going to leave things as they are. Instead, He’s going to make us like Jesus. Despite the gloom of mounting evil, He’s going to heal so


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