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Friday, August 29, 2008
The Gift of
Grace is still here. We have alot of news and information to share with you all. We have received notice that we have been approved for the building and now we are just waiting for the closing date. We would also like to thank those who gave donations to help us out with the new building. We are working on a thank you card for those who gave donations. Gift of Grace also had their 3rd annual Baptism at the beach on July 27, 2008. Thanks to everyone who came and joined us. We had a great time. I will share those pictures with you all and they will be added to our picture at the side of our page.

Gift of Grace would also like to start putting on the bulletin and along on our site a Prayer request. If you or someone you know needs a prayer please contact Rochelle at
rochelle@giftofgraceworship.com or Pastor Sam at kall487@aol.com. Please see this Sunday's bulletin for this week prayer request. Also Gift of Grace is looking for some new or ideas that you would like to see on our sites. You can also contact us with that information. Also just a reminder that we have a new and improved web site which you can view at
  • Gift Of Grace Worship
  • . Click on the link and it will take you to the new site. Also here is the new web address. www.giftofgraceworship.com We are still in the process of adding important information and news to it, but its up and running. Check it out to day. Remember these sites our for us.

    Have a Blessed day.
    at 12:23 PM | Permalink | 0 comments