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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Good morning I hope that you all had a chance to check out our site and see some of the changes to it. Starting tonight our blog is going under construction, it will still be up and running but there will be some things that will be take off and some new things added.

One of the changes will be a contact page that will let you receive the bulletin by email, once you have requested it to be sent to you.

I have attached a link for last weeks bulletin and going forward it will be a request for it.

Bulletin October 19th

Part Two of Bulletin October 19th

Just click on the links and you will be prompted to down load the files. And remember if there is anything that you are interested in seeing on our sites please feel free to contact Pastor Sam or Rochelle and they will make sure that it will get on the sites.
God bless and have a great day.
at 10:17 AM | Permalink |